Do I know you, man? Far out, you were the one I was just talk too a page ago. What are you doing here man? I thought you were joining Hippie Goddess. You weren't ready yet, groovy man. No presures from me. What am I doing here. It's my site man. Oh the old lady, yeah that didn't go to well. I stated the jungle pie was a little stale, man, and she thru me out of the room. Thats okay man, I picked up more brownies on the way back here. Want one? Crap man, I forgot you can't give a brownie thru the computer. Just a minute I gotta clean off the screen. Usually its the keyboard. Oh man did I tell you I got lost in the bedroom once for three hours. Yeah, I couldn't find the door. I looked to the left, the right, under the bed and even the ceiling. I was just lost man. Then I heard the old lady yelling at me to hurry up and when I turned around it was right there. Which reminds me of that old saying, "Sometimes you gotta look behind you before you can move forward." Words to live by man. Whats that man? Oh you want to see some nude pictures of hippie chicks. Oh yeah, I got those and they have naturally hairy pussies. Here's some pictures from a chick that goes by the name of Gypsey. She is kinda freaky at times but very cool and likes to move her naked body all over the place after sniffing her armpits. I also have these beach photos of this mellow hippy girl named Rain. Its her earth sign or somehing man. Which makes sense because when I look at her a fire goes off in my pants that only she can put out. No, the old lady won't let me, that just means I have to beat it out myself, man ;) I think I have lost the other ones. Unless the old lady took them. Anyway if you want to see more of Gypsey and Rain and all the other sexy college girls getting in touch with their inner hippy then go check out Hippie Goddess go ahead and click it, man. Peace and love! Copyright © 2007 with all rights reserved at |